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Join Us

Motto: To anchor road safety in all road users

Show your support for safer roads

Our attitudes to road safety can be different. People have diverse beliefs and attitudes towards driving. We experience many social pressures and this, along with our personality traits, can affect the way we all drive.

Singapore is becoming a more multicultural society with more people from different places sharing our roads. TR Consultants brings people together to put forward views and opinions.

We believe that learning as we go is a shared experience and that by sharing our good attitudes, we will help create more awareness of our own behaviour and our behaviour towards others while on the road.

Time For Remembering

Our organisation holds the Time for Remembering ceremony each year to remember those who have died, acknowledge those who have been injured, and recognise the impact of road trauma on our wider community. You are most welcome to attend our World Day Of Remembrance 2023 event.

Please check for Venue in October.

If your organisation would like to be involved in the World Day Of Remembrance 2023 event, please contact us.


TRC facilitates various support options for people affected by road trauma.

These include:

  • Peer support involving personal support from a volunteer who may have been involved in a similar situation
  • Counsellors to speak with families who have lost their loved ones in a road accident


Thank you for your interest in volunteering with TR Consultants (TRC).

Each of our volunteers has a unique story and perspective on road safety. By drawing on their experiences, our volunteers help us to make better decisions when we get behind the wheel so that we may reach our destinations safely.

Volunteering roles include:

  • Volunteer speakers – sharing accounts of road trauma, and the effects of road trauma on our community
  • Road Safety volunteers- contributing related articles, photographs, participating in our community program to raise awareness

Please get in touch with us if you are interested in joining us!